Guidelines for Developing the Cultural Tourism Management and Potential in Suan Dusit Area and Related Areas

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The research of guidelines for developing the cultural tourism management and potential in Suan Dusit area and related areas was aimed at data gathering for cultural mapping, presenting guidelines for developing the cultural tourism potential, presenting guidelines for developing the cultural tourism management, presenting management guidelines for developing the cultural tourism potential and presenting the cultural tourism routes in Suan Dusit area and related areas. This research was quantitative research by using the questionnaire of satisfaction with the tourism routes testing to gather the quantitative data and using the survey, structured interview, and group conversation to gather the qualitative data. 

The findings revealed that there were 47 cultural tourism attractions in Suan Dusit area and related areas. The researchers have conducted the in-depth interview for data mapping; historical data, cultural models, and area activities.

The historical data is created as cultural mapping by the guidelines for enhancing the cultural tourism potential in Suan Dusit area and related areas.

The enhancement of tourism attraction values, physical improvement of tourism attractions, improvement of tourism activities, improvement of tourism potential in the infrastructure, transportation, transport links, and tourism information.

The guidelines for marketing management of cultural tourism in Suan Dusit area and related areas by defining the marketing strategy on STP principle; Segmentation, Targeting, and Positioning.                         

The management guidelines for developing the tourism potential in Suan Dusit area and related areas include; Strategy 1: The enhancement of creative tourism attractions, Strategy 2: The readiness preparation of the community and surrounding areas, Strategy 3: The creative marketing, Strategy 4: The readiness management of basic facilities and presenting the cultural tourism routes in Suan Dusit area and related areas by analyzing the strengths and weaknesses for creating 2 cultural tourism routes; the theme of Suan Dusit, “New Siam” and the theme of related areas, “Arts, Music, and National Way”.

The cultural tourism strategy has related to many sections, especially the community, in consequence, the marketing strategy for local tourism should emphasize the economic advantage, rehabilitation, preservation, passing on Thai cultural values to the new generations, and creating perception to the tourists for the sustainable economic values.

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How to Cite
POONSAWANMONGKOL, L., & CHOOPANYA, T. (2023). Guidelines for Developing the Cultural Tourism Management and Potential in Suan Dusit Area and Related Areas . TAMNAK JOURNAL, 1(1), 73–89. retrieved from
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