The Production of Quantitative Buddhist Economics


  • Poramest Boonsri Bansomdejchaopraya Rajabhat University, Thailand


Quantitative Buddhist Economics, First Fundamental, Production Buddha’s Doctrines, Thai Theravada


  • This paper aims to summarize the crucial detail of the production of Quantitative Buddhist Economics, QBE. The new price model and mathematics are methodologies. The Buddha’s doctrines taught in Thai Theravada schools for people living with family and money following the law of action and the Heart of Millionaires are data. The investigation found that wage, rent, interest rate, profit, fixed cost, variable cost, concession, and other prices as data and a subset of the price in the real-world markets. The optimum production of BE is self-reliance with modern development, not profit maximization, and avoiding harmful economic activities. BE is a "unique" mixed economic system where the government supports people to make money. Production in BE shows positive and negative money results for people and countries in the long run. The objective of the economic development of mainstream economists is to serve the capitalist’s benefit but BE for all people and government. BE advises many different administrating directions for a government to reach the wealth and happiness of nations compared to mainstream economics. If Buddhist economists analyze the high national income of mainstream economists, three possible results will appear: zero wealth, significant problems, and high wealth because mainstream economists have never considered the quality of investment or production.


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How to Cite

Boonsri, P. (2023). The Production of Quantitative Buddhist Economics. Journal of International Buddhist Studies, 14(2), 94–131. retrieved from


