Clinical Buddhist Chaplaincy Spiritual Care Supply and Demand in the US Healthcare System


  • Ven. Guan Zhen International Center of Chinese Buddhist Culture and Education, USA


Clinical Buddhist Chaplain, Spiritual Care, Emotional Support, Interfaith


This study presents the findings of a statistical analysis exploring the correlation between supply and demand of clinical Buddhist chaplaincy in the US healthcare system. Quantitative data collected from the field (n=993; total visits(tv.)=1,188) analyze different aspects clinical Buddhist chaplaincy work with regard to patients’ spiritual care needs and the distribution of patient ethnicity, religious/spiritual preference and geographical origin. Insights obtained from the data support a positive and strong correlation between patient spiritual care needs and the work of a clinical Buddhist chaplain as a spiritual care provider.


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How to Cite

Zhen, V. G. . (2022). Clinical Buddhist Chaplaincy Spiritual Care Supply and Demand in the US Healthcare System. Journal of International Buddhist Studies, 13(2), 87–108. retrieved from


