Ways of Buddhadhamma Propagation: The Buddha’s Period to Today


  • Ven. Ton That Cam Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University, Thailand


Buddhadhamma Propagation, Buddha’s Period to Today


This article is to discuss the development of ways in Buddhadhamma propagation from the Buddha’s period to the present time. Its main data source is gathered from Tipṭtaka, and Mahayāna texts, beside that the research is also added more collecting data from secondary sources such as books, writings, lectures, journals, theses, and online. Based on the concerned resources found, we will conduct an analysis in the results among studies and systematizing them in order to understand the development of the ways in propagation in the past and trends in the future. The final step of article will draw conclusions and the results for further research. Thus, the timeframe of this research can be divided into two periods: 1) during the Buddha’s period, 2) after the Buddha’s period to present time. The findings of this research show the results of the study can be inferred that development of ways in the propagation from the Buddha’s period to present time that have the active roles as essential factors in each period.


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How to Cite

Cam, V. T. T. . (2022). Ways of Buddhadhamma Propagation: The Buddha’s Period to Today. Journal of International Buddhist Studies, 13(1), 151–173. retrieved from https://so09.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jibs/article/view/2582


