Analysis of the Main Factors of Spreading and Development of Buddhism in Russia


  • Ven. Aleksandr Berezin Dhammavudho Abhidhamma Buddhavihara, St.Petersburg, Russia.
  • Phramaha Somphong Khunakaro Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University, * Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya, Thailand.


Russian Buddhism, Factors of development, Ethnic and non-ethnic Buddhists, Conditionality


This Article is the summarizing of the research named “A study of historical and current development of Russian Buddhism”, which was conducted from 2016 to 2018. Objective of the work is to analyze the brightest phenomena, which have a key impact on Buddhist communities in Russia.  They are six: government, foreign Buddhist influence, political situation, another religions, eminent persons and science.

The study of these factors is necessary for developing adequate perception of Russian Buddhism, as a unique phenomenon and for analysis of political, social and cultural conditions of Russian society, in which the Buddha's teachings is applied.

In this paper, the mix method was applied. Based on the data collected by historiographical and sociological methods, the author has identified and analyzed the mentioned factors.

As a result of the research, a clear understanding of the conditional character of the environment of Russian Buddhism was formed and basic recommendations for more fruitful consolidation of Buddhism in new territories were formulated.


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How to Cite

Dhammavudho, V. A. B. ., & Khunakaro, P. S. . (2019). Analysis of the Main Factors of Spreading and Development of Buddhism in Russia. Journal of International Buddhist Studies, 10(1). retrieved from


