Sukhothai Kingdom: The Golden Age of Buddhism


  • Phramaha Nantakorn Piyabhani Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University,Thailand


This article entitled “Sukhothai Kingdom: The Golden Age of Buddhism.” It is called so due to the absorption of Buddhist conceptions, all Sukhothai kings were righteous rulers. The title of the kings which at one time used to be the “Lord of war” changed into the “Lord of Dhamma.” Sukhothai’s administrative regime was based on the “Father-Son” relationship. Kings were respected as the fathers to all the people, which implies that they adhered to the code of morality and protected people like their own children. People during this period believed in the principle of Kamma which is relevant to Buddhism. Thus, the Sukhothai period is regarded as the “Golden Age of Buddhism” in the history of Thailand.The arrival of Buddhism in Thailand can be supported by the archaeological evidence and literary accounts as well as other geographical and historical records and traditional beliefs, which tend to suggest that this religion was introduced into Thailand at four different phases as detailed: i) Early Theravada Buddhism in the 3rd century B.C. ii) Mahayana Buddhism in the 7th century A.D. (Northern sect) iii) Pukam or Pakan Theravada Buddhism in the 11th century A.D. iv) Lankavamsa or Lankavong Theravada Buddhism in the 13th century A.D.During the fourth phase of the introduction of Buddhism into Thailand where at that time was called Sukhothai, which was recognized as the first kingdom of Thailand. It was in this period that Ramkhamhaeng the great king of Sukhothai sent messengers to invite the group of monks at the town of Nakhon Si Thammarat then known as the “Lankavamsa” monks to preach the doctrine at Sukhothai, promoting them every help and convenience. Since then Lankavamsa or Lankavong Theravada Buddhism was well patronized by king Ramkhamhaeng, it finally superseded the existing previous beliefs.


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Piyabhani, P. N. . (2016). Sukhothai Kingdom: The Golden Age of Buddhism. Journal of International Buddhist Studies, 7(2). retrieved from


