University Engagement Research Environment


  • Pacharin Dumronggittigule The Thailand Research Fund,Thailand


University, Engagement, Research, Environment


Higher education is now more responsible and responsive to society. To tackle social problems with complexity, dynamic and uncertainty environment requires new production of knowledge. Engagement research is a process of integration with service learning that embedded in the university’s governance and education management system. Higher education institutional management of research environment is to sustain university engagement. Research environment is now part of the Research Excellence Framework (REF)1, the new system for assessing the quality of research in higher education institutions in the UK. Thus, a new culture of university engagement research environments to provide a context to particular institutional practices for engagement research. It is necessary to understand the research environmental systems both in the university and community setting. A higher education system is not purely formed by national regulations and policies, but an understanding collaboration with equal partners in the society. According to Buddhist principles,2 education creates intelligence (Yonisomanasikàra) responsively to society within learning environment (Paratoghosa). 


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How to Cite

Dumronggittigule, P. . (2015). University Engagement Research Environment. Journal of International Buddhist Studies, 6(2). retrieved from


