An Analytical Study of Sadàrasantosa with Stability of Family Institution


  • Phon Mammani Mahachulalongkornrajavidayalaya University, Chiang Mai Campus,Thailand


Sadàrasantosa, Family Institution


The Sadàrasantosa refers to contentment with one’s own wife. It is considered as the doctrine of the stability and development of the family institution to have the noble living or Brahmacariya: a holy life. One should restrain from Akusala-kamma: or unwholesome action viz., evil deed; bad deed and should have the Sanyama or Self – Control, consisting within non-violence to oneself and others in the family and society. In addition, one should develop the doctrine of Drama: taming and training oneself and living with the heedfulness. The Sadàrasantosa can be defined as the family action plan which can build up the warm family, stability and peace.


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How to Cite

Mammani, P. . (2023). An Analytical Study of Sadàrasantosa with Stability of Family Institution. Journal of International Buddhist Studies, 6(1). retrieved from


