Dissemination History of the Eight Instructions of Lam-Rim in Mandarin China


  • Guo Yuanchen Shanghai Cihui Cultural Research Institute, China


Lam-Rim, the Eight Instructions, translation & dissemination, teaching


Tibetan Buddhism became broadly spread in China towards the early 20th CE, and continued right up until the present day. That Ven. Fazun translated and introduced Great Lam-Rim (by Tsong Khapa Lobsang Drakpa, founder of the Gelupa tradition) into China, has played a significant part in this phenomenon. This essay is going to introduce the eight Instructions of Lam-Rim headed by Great Lam-Rim. There will be a brief on the translation, dissemination & teaching history, as well as analysis on some issue.


Venerable Master Tsong-kha-pa, written byblobzang ‘phrin lasrnamrg yal.Translated by GuoHetsing, Qinghai People’s Publishing House, 2004.

Lam-Rim Chenmo, by JeyTsong-kha-pa, Translated by Ven.Fazun, Book One, Supplement of Tripitaka ( Gangyur and Tengyur ), the 1st edition, 1935.

Venerable Master Tsong-kha-pah, written by blobzang ‘phrin lasrnamrgyal.Translated by GuoHetsing, Qinghai People’s Pub lishing House, 2004.

book I, A brief explanation on the short Lam-Rim, given by ho thogth ublobzangbstan ‘dzin ‘jigs med dbangphyug,, recorded by Zhou Shujia, collected in Instruction to Tibetan Vajrayana Practice, copy of Bodhi Society 1939.




How to Cite

Yuanchen, G. . (2023). Dissemination History of the Eight Instructions of Lam-Rim in Mandarin China. Journal of International Buddhist Studies, 6(1). retrieved from https://so09.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jibs/article/view/2392


