The Role of Customer Perceived Value and Product Quality in Building Brand Loyalty in the Sports Drink Industry: Evidence from Thailand


  • Krittanai Kaewkhav Khon Kaen Business School
  • Charisa Rammas Chulalongkorn University
  • Chadaporn Khanngoen Khon Kaen Business School


Sports Drink, Sports Beverage, Electrolyte Drink, Satisfaction, Perceived Value, Perceived Quality, Thailand


This study aims to identify the variables that affect purchase behavior and brand perception in Thailand's sport drink industry. An online survey using Google Forms was conducted, with 185 respondents, and the data was analyzed using GSCA Pro version 1.1. Results show that creating awareness about product value, quality, and customer satisfaction leads to a positive brand perception, increased repeat purchases, and word-of-mouth referrals. Therefore, business managers and marketers in the sport drink industry should prioritize promoting product value and quality to enhance brand perception, a significant factor in customer satisfaction and creating a positive brand image. This study adds to the existing literature on service quality, brand image, and customer perception's impact on brand perception and satisfaction. Moreover, it provides valuable insights to businesses in the sport drink industry in Thailand.



2023-04-03 — Updated on 2023-04-03

How to Cite

Kaewkhav, K., Rammas, C., & Khanngoen, C. (2023). The Role of Customer Perceived Value and Product Quality in Building Brand Loyalty in the Sports Drink Industry: Evidence from Thailand. Service, Leisure, Sport, Tourism & Education, 1(1), 1–17. retrieved from