Development of a System Confirmation to Participate Event of KMUTNB Staffs

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Prempavee Sriwatcharawit


The study’s principal objective is to set up online attendance confirmation templates which can be adapted by all administrative units so that applicable information tailored to the specific needs can be garnered. Based on system analysis and comparison with the traditional mode of attendance confirmation, the online approach can eliminate wasteful spending on office supplies and significantly reduce the amount of staff’s working hours.  Ongoing trials on the e-RSVP system reveal user satisfaction level, inspiring continuous improvement towards a more effective and consistent application. Recommendations and suggestions are thereby presented for improving the system efficacy. The sample group included 150 recipients, including KMUTNB administrators, faculty, staff and students as well as all those who had participated in events organized by the University.

        The result showed that feedback showed positive attitudes towards the system; acquired responses disclose a high level of user satisfaction (M = 4.59). This practical and user-friendly online RSVP platform helps improve workplace efficiency and features its own advantages of the utilization. Appropriate technology adoption within the workplace can ensure the reduction of working time and smooth working process.  By the same token, the novel approach exposes a practical strategy for reducing the amount of paper and resource consumption in offices.

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How to Cite
Sriwatcharawit, P. (2022). Development of a System Confirmation to Participate Event of KMUTNB Staffs. Journal Of Technical Education Development, 35(124), 121. retrieved from
Research Article
Author Biography

Prempavee Sriwatcharawit, Office of the President, King Mongkut’s University of Technology North Bangkok

General Division, Office of the President, King Mongkut’s University of Technology North Bangkok, Bangkok 


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