A Comparison of Output Torque in a Diesel Engine Fuelled with Biodiesel B5 and B20 by Applying linear Regression Equations
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Biodiesel is an interesting alternative fuel which is supported in accordance with Thailand alternative energy plan because it positively affects the environment and economic system. Biodiesel B20 is operated in a 10,450-cc fishery engine in this research. The result is compared to that of biodiesel B5. The main objective of this research is to compare the output torques from both fuels by using the conventional technique (the comparison of the average values) and presents a new comparison technique by applying linear regression equations. Both techniques report the differences of -7.54% and -7.22%, respectively. The analysis can be concluded that both techniques are possible for further analysis. However, the new approach is more flexible and accurate, which leads to the reduction of experimentation in future research. The details of the calculation are also presented in the paper.
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