Extracurricular Curriculum Development for Novices, Students, and College Students of College of Skills Enhancement for Monks and Novices

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Nattapong Tomun
Prasert Kaewjam


The objectives of this research were to develop extracurricular courses and to assess the development of extracurricular courses for novices, students, and college students of College of Skills Enhancement for Monks and Novices, which is a qualitative research. The samples used in the research were a group of 14 persons involved in the development of extracurricular courses for novices at College of Skills Enhancement for Monks and Novices selected by purposive sampling. The research instruments were semi-structured interviews and curriculum feasibility assessments. Data were analyzed based on their content, mean, and standard deviation. The research results found that the development of extracurricular courses for novices at College of Skills Enhancement for Monks and Novices was developed from the curriculum development committee comprised of experts in many fields including course objectives, competencies, and course descriptions with the emphasis on activities in enhancing morality and ethics and other activities organized at an educational institution or establishment in all courses to provide learners with four vocational qualification standards: moral, ethical, desirable traits, such as knowledge and skills, and ability to adapt and responsibility. The extracurricular activities are structured to be at least 200 hours throughout each course with class scheduled for 2 hours/week and the feasibility assessment of extracurricular courses for novices, students, and college students of College of Skills Enhancement for Monks and Novices was found to be at a very good level overall and for each aspect.

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How to Cite
Tomun, N. ., & Kaewjam, P. . (2022). Extracurricular Curriculum Development for Novices, Students, and College Students of College of Skills Enhancement for Monks and Novices. Journal Of Technical Education Development, 35(124), 73. retrieved from https://so09.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jted/article/view/790
Research Article
Author Biographies

Nattapong Tomun, Faculty of Industrial Education, Rajamangala University of Technology Thanyaburi

Assistant Professor Dr. at Department of Technical Education, Faculty of Industrial Education, Rajamangala University
of Technology Thanyaburi

Prasert Kaewjam, Office of the Vocational Education Commission

Director of College of Skills Enhancement for Monks and Novices, Office of the Vocational Education Commission


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