Strategy Development of The Secretariat of The Senate Towards A High Performance Organization
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This research is research and development in conjunction with policy research. The objectives of this research were: 1) to study the situation and needs of the Secretariat of the Senate towards a high performance organization, 2) to study the strategy proposal for development of the Secretariat of the Senate towards a high performance organization, 3) to present and certify the strategy for development of the Secretariat of the Senate towards a high performance organization. The data were collected by document analysis, in-depth of interview 29 professionals and stakeholders. The assessment of the appropriateness of the strategies were done by 17 experts using EDFR techniques.
The results of the research were as follows; 1) The Secretariat of the Senate is the core agency to support missions of the Senate according to the Constitution. The Secretariat of the Senate had a significant problem and struggle to the development of a high performance organization, namely Bureau of the Secretariat of the Senate were lack of integration of collaboration. Personnel having workloads that were inconsistent with their structure and manpower, resulting in inefficient job development to support legislative work. In addition, lack of time to learn and develop themselves to create innovation. 2) From the analysis of this study the strategy proposed for strategic development for development of the Secretariat of the Senate towards a high performance organization including: (1) Enhancing management to a high performance in order to support the legislative process of the Senate. (2) Strengthening the Legislative Procedure and the development of mechanisms to monitor, recommend and accelerate national reforms. (3) Empowering personnel to have high performance. (4) Creating a learning organization. (5) Promoting of knowledge dissemination about democratic governance and supporting the political participation of the public sector and all domestic networks. 3) The Policy Meeting found that stakeholders had a consensus that five strategies were appropriate and feasible. Research suggestion, there should be a research model and strategy for a high performance organization of the subordinate parliament agencies.
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