Marketing Mix Factors for Using Services in Natural Cafe Restaurants for Consumers in Samut Songkhram Province in the Next Normal
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The research study purpose to 1) study the personal factors of consumers in Samut Songkhram Province who use services in natural cafe restaurants in the next normal. 2) Study the use of service in natural cafe restaurants. 3) Study the marketing mix factors in the use of natural cafe restaurants. 4) Compare the importance of marketing mix factors in using natural cafe restaurant services classified by personal factors of consumers, and 5) to compare the importance of marketing mix factors in using services in natural cafe restaurants classified by the use of natural cafe restaurants. The research sample consisted of 400 consumers who had used the next normal natural cafe restaurant in Samut Songkhram Province. The questionnaire was used as a research tool. The statistics used to analyze the data were frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test and one-way ANOVA.
The results showed that 1) most of the consumers were female, aged between 25 - 35 years old, with a bachelor's degree and were employed/employees in companies. The average monthly income is 30,001 baht or more, and most consumers are domiciled in other provinces, including Phetchaburi, Ratchaburi, Nakhon Pathom, Nonthaburi, etc. 2) Consumers choose to use the service because the atmosphere and location are good, well ventilated and close to nature. The most popular choice for snacks is salt fried chicken wings. Customers choose to use the service once a month, 201 - 300 baht per time, wearing a mask all the time, except only when eating. They have been customers for a year because they were invited by 3-5 friends to use the service on Saturday-Sunday around 12.01 - 18.00 and consumers know natural café restaurants from social media such as Line, Facebook. 3) Consumers gave the highest level of importance to the marketing mix for using the services in the next normal of natural café restaurants. And when considering each aspect in descending order, it was found that the aspect with the highest average value was the product, followed by the service staff and the least was the promotion. 4) Comparison of the importance of marketing mix factors in the use of natural café restaurants classified by personal factors of consumers. It was found that all factors were different except age. There was no statistically significant difference at the .05 level., and 5. The comparison of the importance of marketing mix factors in the use of natural cafe restaurant services classified by the use of restaurant services found that the importance of all factors were significantly different at the .05 level, except for the dietary guidelines in the next normal, the number of people using the service and the time of using the service were not significantly different.
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