Product Development of Protein-Enhanced Butter Cookies from Sago Beetles
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The objectives of this research are 1) to study the basic formula of butter cookies. 2) To study the appropriate amount of sago beetles in butter cookies. 3) To study the nutritional of butter cookies enhanced protein with sago beetle., and 4) To study consumer acceptance towards butter cookies enhanced with protein from sago beetles. The experimental design was randomized complete block design (RCBD) and the means of data was analyzed by analysis of variance (ANOVA) and compared with statistical differences by least significant difference (LSD).
The results of the selection of 3 basic recipes for butter cookies found that the testers accepted the second recipe, which consisted of all-purpose flour, baking powder, salted fresh butter, eggs, powdered sugar, and buttermilk flavor. As for overall preference, appearance, color, smell, taste, and texture, were found at the most level. The study's results on the appropriate amount of sago beetle’s supplementation in butter cookies at 4 different levels, 40, 60, 80, and 100% of all-purpose flour weight. It was found that the testers accepted 100 % of protein-enhanced butter cookies from sago beetles. In terms of overall preference, appearance, color, smell, taste, and texture, it was found that the level of preference was the highest and the addition of fresh sago beetles had an effect on the color value of butter cookies. The nutritional value of fresh sago beetles was found that contained 7.74% protein, 17.89% fat, and 0.03% omega (ALA). The nutritional of butter cookies enhanced with sago beetles to increase protein found that 100 grams of butter cookies gave energy 566.63 kilocalories, fat 36.39%, protein 9.32%, carbohydrates 50.46%, omega 3 (ALA) 0.10%, ash 1.00 % and 2.81% moisture content which were higher quality than others basic recipe butter cookies. The study of consumer acceptance of protein-enhanced butter cookies from sago beetles found that 99.17 % of general consumers accepted it because the product was different from other cookies, they are interesting, tasty, delicious, and nutritious. Consumers are interested in buying butter cookies enriched with protein from sago beetles at a price of 60 baht per box, in a package size of 90 grams (15 pieces).
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