The Development of Integrated Primary Health Care Service in Infirmary in Digital Era
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The objectives of this research were to 1) study the components of integrated primary health care services of nursing homes in the digital age; nurses in the digital age, and 3) to prepare a guideline for providing integrated primary health care services for nursing homes in the digital age. It is a qualitative and quantitative mixed research. The group of informants in the research consisted of informants from in-depth interviews. Group of respondents Group of experts in focus group meetings and a group of experts to assess the manual. The data was analyzed by content analysis, frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation. and elemental analysis The research findings revealed that 1) The components of health service at the integrated primary care level of hospitals in the digital age consisted of 4 components as follows: Component 1) “Health promotion and disease prevention” There were 4 sub-components. 1.1 Health information 1.2 Health services and disease prevention 1.3 Health promotion activities 1.4 Health network partners Component 2) “Therapeutic” consists of 2 sub-components, namely 2.1 The provision of medical services 2.2 The organization of the service system medical treatment Component 3) “Health rehabilitation” consists of 2 sub-components: 3.1 Self-rehabilitation 3.2 Health rehabilitation and patient assistance and 4th component) “Treatment referral” has 2 sub-components: 4.1 Referral Coordination 4.2 Information Technology Nurses in the digital age The researcher has drafted a guideline for health care services at the integrated primary care level of healthcare facilities in the digital age. which have been considered by focus group meetings to form a guideline for providing integrated primary care health care services of healthcare facilities in the digital age which consisted of 2 parts, namely, part 1, introduction to the use of the manual and part 2, guidelines for the development of integrated primary health care services in healthcare facilities in the digital age, were unanimously approved by experts. and the Guidelines were evaluated by experts for their good applicability to improve integrated primary health care services in healthcare facilities in the digital age.
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