Relationship Between Organizational Factor And Work Behavior Factor That Enhance The Job Progress Of Engineer In Electricity Generating Authority Of Thailand
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The objectives of this research were 1) to study organizational factors and work behavior factors that promote job advancement 2) to study the relationship between organizational factors and work behavior factors. That promotes advancement in the work of engineers Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand Classified by personal factors, sex, age, educational level and work experience. The sample group used to collect data were 589 employees of Operational Engineers of the Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand. The tools used for data collection were questionnaires and statistics used for data analysis. is a quantitative statistics such as Frequency, Percentage, Mean and Standard Deviation.
The research found that organizational factors that promote job advancement were at a high level. Sorted in order are: colleague support Assignment providing development opportunities and work behavior factors that promote job progress At the highest level, 1 aspect was the effort in work. At a high level, there are 3 aspects, in order, as follows: Knowledge and ability in the job Concentrate on work and love at work Engineer employees of different genders Give importance to different organizational factorsbut has a working behavior no different As for the engineer staff of different ages The importance of organizational factors is not different. But there are different working behaviors. Employees with education and different work experiences Emphasis on organizational factors and work behavior no different and organizational factors in support of colleagues Assignment and in terms of providing opportunities for development There was a positive correlation with work behavior. at a significance level of 0.05
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