Promoting And Upgrading The Potential Of Thai Logistics Service Business To Have A Quality Management System To ISO 9001 : 2015 Standard
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This paper presents a guideline for promoting and upgrading Thai logistics service business to have a quality management system to ISO 9001:2015 standard. The logistics service business is an important foundation for developing economic potential. And it is one of the businesses that are the heart of driving the country's economy. Department of Business Development, Ministry of Commerce as an agency that plays a role in promoting the development of Thai SMEs, recognizes the need to upgrade the potential of Thai logistics service businesses to have an efficient management system according to international standards. Therefore, we have organized activities to raise confidence in the logistics service business with international standards. Under the project to build potential and trade opportunities for Thai logistics service business, fiscal year 2022 by the College of Industrial Technology King Mongkut's University of Technology North Bangkok be an expert to enhance knowledge, develop and improve logistics business management system according to the quality according to ISO 9001 (Quality Management System) Encourage entrepreneurs to adopt the ISO 9001 system to increase efficiency in business operations. to be widely accepted by users both domestically and internationally as well as increasing the competitiveness of Thai entrepreneurs to be able to compete internationally. The promotion starts from 1) public relations to recruit entrepreneurs 2) train to educate about the importance of interpretation and documentation according to the requirements; and 3) consulting both on-site, on-site and through Zoom Video Communications. As a result of the operation, it was found that the logistics service business was able to prepare documents according to the requirements. and received the ISO 9001:2015 system certification for 37 businesses, showing that such promotion guidelines are efficient and effective according to the activity objectives.
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