Digital Technologies for Support Waste Management in a New Normal Society

Main Article Content

Phuripoj Kaewyong
Chutiwan Boonarchatong
Tantus Peikkoontod
Saisuda Pantrakool


This article aims to present the concept of using digital technology to support waste management in a new normal society, consisting of 1) Robotics 2) Artificial intelligence and neural networks 3) Internet of things technology, 4) Cloud computing, 5) Data analytics, and 6) Application for waste bank. The relevant research was gathered to study the feasibility of adopting modern digital technology. As a guideline for applying digital technology to support waste management to increase efficiency in recycling waste management in a new normal society.

Article Details

How to Cite
Kaewyong, P., Boonarchatong, C., Peikkoontod, T., & Pantrakool, S. (2024). Digital Technologies for Support Waste Management in a New Normal Society. Journal Of Technical Education Development, 37(132), 3–10. retrieved from
Author Biographies

Phuripoj Kaewyong, Suan Dusit University

Faculty of Science and Technology, Suan Dusit University

Chutiwan Boonarchatong, Suan Dusit University

Faculty of Science and Technology, Suan Dusit University

Tantus Peikkoontod, Suan Dusit University

Faculty of Science and Technology, Suan Dusit University

Saisuda Pantrakool, Suan Dusit University

Faculty of Science and Technology, Suan Dusit University


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