A Diagnostic Test Construction of Problem Solving In Physics Rectilinear Motion Learning Through The Attribute Hierarchy Method

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Ilada Mongkolsuk
Sompong Panhoon
Sureeporn Anusasananan


The objectives of this research were: 1)to analyze errors found in physics problem-solving among Grade 12 students; 2)to develop a physics problem-solving diagnostic test, using attribute hierarchy method, and to verify the quality of the test in terms of item difficulty, item discrimination, content validity and reliability; 3)to analyze the strengths and weaknesses of Grade 12 students in solving physics problems concerning adding and subtracting fractions. Samples were a total of 360 Grade 12 students selected by simple random sampling. The instruments used for data collection consisted of the physics problem-solving diagnostic test, which were analyzed with descriptive statistics and content analysis. The diagnostic score calculation was conducted based on applied Bayes’ Theorem.

          The research shows that: (1)Students showed errors in solving physics problems, namely: reading and interpreting the problem, analyze the meaning of variable symbol in problem and problem in calculating various values. The unit that the students with the most defective is motion. (2)The development of the physics problem-solving diagnostic test, using  attribute hierarchy methods, has 7 hierarchy and Reduced Q Matrix (Qr) with 13 items.The diagnostic test has its item difficulty at (7.86)- 0.61. The item discrimination is 0.16 - 61.29.The content validity is 1.00. Hoyt’s reliability is 0.97. (3)The majority of defect diagnosis found that students have wisdom explicitly in attribute of problem reading comprehension and students are short of wisdom the most in attribute of calculating acceleration of rectilinear motion. The hierarchy consistency(HCI) index is 0.72.

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How to Cite
Mongkolsuk, I. . ., Panhoon, S. . ., & Anusasananan, S. . (2022). A Diagnostic Test Construction of Problem Solving In Physics Rectilinear Motion Learning Through The Attribute Hierarchy Method. Journal Of Technical Education Development, 34(123), 122. retrieved from https://so09.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jted/article/view/55
Research Article
Author Biographies

Ilada Mongkolsuk

Master of Science Educationnal Research Measurment And Statistics Faculty of Education Burapha University  

Sompong Panhoon

Assistant Professor Department of Research And Applied Psychology Faculty of Education Burapha University 

Sureeporn Anusasananan

   Assistant Professor Department of Research And Applied Psychology Faculty of Education Burapha University  


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