The Prioritization of Research Groups in Industrial and Logistics Engineering of Thailand during Industry 4.0
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This research aims to set the direction of research groups in Industrial and Logistics Engineering according to the evolution of Industry 4.0 era by applying Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP). The applied AHP consists of 6 criterion which are research that promote and support the entrepreneur to develop commercial innovation, research that go along with Industry 4.0, research that go along with the development of Thailand Industry, research that challenge the interest of domestic entrepreneur, research that needed digital technology to support the operation and research that promote and support the competitiveness enhancement of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in Thailand. This research applies AHP to rank 12 research groups which are the group of operation research, the group of production and operation management, work study, plant layout, ergonomics and safety management, the group of quality management, the group of energy management, the group of green and sustainability in industrial engineering, the group of materials and manufacturing engineering, the group of supply chain and logistics, the group of innovation management and industrial technology transfer, the group of engineering management, the group of maintenance and reliability engineering and the group of other related topics to industrial engineering.
The results from AHP show that the group of innovation management and industrial technology transfer, the group of green and sustainability in industrial engineering, the group of energy management and the group of supply chain and logistics are the research groups that need to be focused through 2 processes which are to promote and funding and to improve the related educational curriculum according to the direction of research groups.
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