The Study of the Problem Conditions and Training Needs Assessment to Increase the Efficiency of Salespersons in the Wood Products Industry : A Case Study of Vanachai Woodsmith Co., Ltd.

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Supassara Fanmao
Sakarin Yuphong
Pairote Stirayakorn


       The purpose of this research was to study the problem conditions of the salespersons in the wood products industry and the training needs assessment in order to increase the efficiency of salespersons in the wood products industry. This research was a descriptive research, using questionnaires with 5-level rating scale to collect quantitative data as a tool. The population used in this research was 216 salespersons of Vanachai Woodsmith Co., Ltd. which including 181 sales representatives and 35 branch supervisors. The data were statistically analyzed using  mean, standard deviation and the needs priority using the Modified Priority Needs Index (PNI Modified) method.

       The results of the research showed as 1) The salespersons of Vanachai Woodsmith Co., Ltd. had the problem conditions in moderate level which in overall were skills, knowledges, and desirable characteristics respectively. 2) The training need of salespersons of Vanachai Woodsmith Co., Ltd. was in high level which in overall were terms of desirable characteristics, knowledges, and skills respectively.

       The suggestions from the result was to provide the training to sales persons of Vanachai Woodsmith Co., Ltd. in order to develop knowledges and skills covering three areas as desirable characteristics, knowledge and skills to increase efficiency of the salespersons.

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How to Cite
Fanmao, S., Yuphong, S., & Stirayakorn, P. (2024). The Study of the Problem Conditions and Training Needs Assessment to Increase the Efficiency of Salespersons in the Wood Products Industry : A Case Study of Vanachai Woodsmith Co., Ltd. Journal Of Technical Education Development, 36(131), 108–116. retrieved from
Research Article
Author Biographies

Supassara Fanmao, King Mongkut’s University of Technology North Bangkok

Industrial Business and Human Resource Development King Mongkut’s University of Technology North Bangkok

Sakarin Yuphong, King Mongkut’s University of Technology North Bangkok

Industrial Business and Human Resource Development King Mongkut’s University of Technology North Bangkok

Pairote Stirayakorn, King Mongkut’s University of Technology North Bangkok

Faculty of Technical Education Division King Mongkut’s University of Technology North Bangkok


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