The Feasibility Study of Journal of Aviation Management Civil Aviation Training Center
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The feasibility study of journal of Aviation Management, Civil Aviation Training Center was a qualitative research which had 2 objectives are 1) to study the needs of aviation academic journal at the Civil Aviation Training Center and 2) to study the administrative problems and management guidelines for publication of aviation academic journal, Civil Aviation Training Center. The method of conducting research was qualitative research. The population used in this research were 5 of Civil Aviation Training Center personnel, which came from administrators, instructors and staff members by using a Purposive Random Sampling Method. In addition, the research tools were checklist form and in-depth interview form, which the researcher used descriptive analysis for such data.
The study showed that the results of the survey on the needs of aviation academic journal at the Civil Aviation Training Center from 5 of Civil Aviation Training Center personnel, which came from administrators, instructors and staff members, found that there was a 100 percent of needs of aviation academic journal at the Civil Aviation Training Center. The results of the analysis of problems and management guidelines for publication of aviation academic journal, the Civil Aviation Training Center, were average and categorized in 4 aspects, firstly administrative process aspect was the highest mean at 3.45, secondly materials and equipment aspect at 3.19, followed by personnel aspect at 3.03 and lastly budget aspect was the lowest mean at 2.79 respectively.
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