The Development of Mathematics Problem Solving Skills Training on Addition Subtraction Multiplication and Davion for Pratomsuksa 2 Students
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The purposes to this research were: 1) to develop of mathematics problem solving skills training on addition substraction multiplication and division 2) to compare students’ learning achievement before and after of using mathematics problem solving skills training, and 3) to study the students’ attitude on Mathematics after using mathematics problem solving skills training. The samples were the students from Prathomsuka 2 at Areewattana school in the second semester of academic year 2019 using purposive sampling and simple random sampling. They divided into four groups: Each group consisted of three students, nine students, thirty students, and thirty-five students accordingly. The research instruments were 1) suitability questionnaire 2) achievement test with reliability of 0.68, and 3) students’ attitude questionnaire with reliability of 0.88. The statistics comprised percentage, mean, standard deviation, the efficiency criterion (E1/E2) and t-test.
The results of this research were as follows: Overall the appropriate level of this mathematics problem solving skills training was at the high level and The efficiency of mathematics problem solving skills training had the efficiency (E1/E2) at 81.10/79.05 which follow the standard criterion 75/75. The students’ learning achievement using mathematics problem solving skills training after learning achievement had higher than before learning at the statistical significant .01, and Overall the students’ attitude via mathematics problem solving skills training was at good level.
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