Factors affecting to decision to associate with dual education system of vocational student with Business establishments food and food & beverage operator within a hotel in Bangkok.

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Thanida Ravipanchaikon
Kanchaya Chaiviratnukul
Sanya Borisut


The objectives of this study are 1) to compare the differences the decision to join the bilateral system of vocational students with the Institute of Food and Food Service Establishments in a hotel in Bangkok classified by personal factors. 2) To study the factors of information perception that influence the decision to join the bilateral system of vocational students with the Institute of Food and Food Service Establishments in a hotel in Bangkok. 3) To study the operational satisfaction factors affecting the decision to join the bilateral system of vocational students with the Institute of Food and Food Service Establishments in a hotel in Bangkok. The samples in this study were 134 vocational students who joined the bilateral system in the workplaces. Data were analyzed by description statistics; mean, percentage and standard deviation. The difference between the mean scores of 2 groups of variables was tested with t-test, F-test and one-way ANOVA and multiple regression by 0.05 statistical significance.

The results of hypothesis testing shows that an aspect of perception factor about the aspect of selective retention affecting to the decision to join the bilateral system of vocational students with the Institute of Food and Food Service Establishments in a hotel in Bangkok by 0.05 statistical significance.

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How to Cite
Ravipanchaikon, T. ., Chaiviratnukul, K. ., & Borisut, S. . (2022). Factors affecting to decision to associate with dual education system of vocational student with Business establishments food and food & beverage operator within a hotel in Bangkok. Journal Of Technical Education Development, 34(123), 70. retrieved from https://so09.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jted/article/view/48
Research Article
Author Biographies

Thanida Ravipanchaikon

Management Faculty of Business Administration andInformation Technology Rajamangala University of Technology

Kanchaya Chaiviratnukul

Management Department Faculty of Business Administration and Information Technology Rajamangala    University of Technology Tawan-Ok: Chakrabongse Bhuvanarth Campus.

Sanya Borisut

Management Department Faculty of Business Administration and Information Technology
Rajamangala University of Technology Tawan-Ok: Chakrabongse Bhuvanarth Campus


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