Competencies of production supervisors in the automotive parts manufacturing industry
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This research aims to study 1) the level of importance of factors affecting the work ability of production supervisors in the automotive parts manufacturing industry and 2) Competencies of production supervisors in the automotive parts manufacturing industry. The research sample included 400 production employees at the supervisor level or higher in the automotive parts manufacturing industry. The research tools were questionnaires. Statistics used included frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation. and Factor analysis.
Research results: The level of importance of factors affecting the work ability of production supervisors in the automotive parts manufacturing industry. Overall, it is important at a high level. When considering each aspect, it was found that the characteristics aspect was the most important and had a high average score. When considering each item as a whole, it was found that the item with the highest average score was: Love learning new things that are beneficial to the organization. As for the results of the study of the competency of production supervisors in the automotive parts manufacturing industry, it was found that the knowledge aspect consisted of 1) knowledge about the use of digital technology in the production process 2) Knowledge about data management for production planning 3) Knowledge about quality control in the production process and 4) knowledge about production systems Skills include 1) Ability to use modern technology 2) Ability to manage production 3) Personnel management ability and characteristics include 1) leadership 2) having a positive attitude at work 3) eager to learn and 4) having a vision for work . The results of this research can be used as guidelines for developing the work potential of production supervisors in the automotive parts manufacturing industry.
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