Social Media Administration Guidelines for Acknowledging the News and Public Relations of Students from King Mongkut’s University of Technology North Bangkok
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This research aims to study 1) the operating conditions of social media management, 2) social media usage behavior of students, and 3) guidelines for social media management of King Mongkut's University of Technology North Bangkok. The sample group consists of 394 students of King Mongkut's University of Technology North Bangkok. Instruments used are interviews and questionnaires. Statistics used includes means, standard deviations and analysis of elements (Factor Analysis) guidelines for social media management.
The research findings indicate that the overall conditions for managing social media are at a high level. When examining each item with the highest average score, the top three are as follows: 1) availability of services on social media, 2) content quality, and 3) benefits and uses. In terms of social media usage behavior, it was discovered that the most popular social media network accessed is Line. Additionally, the majority of press releases are received from social media networks, particularly Facebook. Furthermore, Facebook is the most frequently used platform for searching and receiving press release information from King Mongkut's University of Technology North Bangkok, including news about student recruitment and various university activities.
Regarding the guidelines for managing social media (Social Media), they consist of main components and sub-components as follows: 1) News channels linked to current events, which include six sub-components. 2) Sequence of news content that is accurate and complete based on facts, with six sub-components. 3) Quick search for news information using sharing and referencing, with four sub-components. 4) Communication style that utilizes beautiful and clear words, colors, and letters, with five sub-components. 5) Public relations news that is reliable and serves as a source of knowledge, with five sub-components. Lastly, 6) network system stability and coverage, which includes seven sub-components.
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