A learning Organization that Affects Employee Team Productivity, Red Wolf Global Company Limited.
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The objectives of this research were 1) study the organizational level of learning and the effectiveness of teamwork. 2) compare the effectiveness of teamwork was classified by employee personal attribute, and 3) studied the influence of learning organizations on the effectiveness of teamwork. The questionnaire was used as a tool to collect data on the sample. Red Wolf Global Company Limited employees of 525 people and a sample of 227 used descriptive statistics, t- test, F-test and multiple regression analysis.
The results of the research were as follows: 1) the learning organization and the effectiveness in working as a team, both in overall and in each aspect, was at a high level.2) Employees who have a period of work and different work positions have different effectiveness in teamwork. While company employees with gender, age, education level average monthly income, they differ in performance and no different and3) learning organization, the dynamics of learning organizational change and the enhancement of organizational membership powers affect the effectiveness of working as a team. This research Red Wolf Global Company Limited.
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