The Development of Co-curricular Activities to Adjustment the Basic Technical Attributes for New Students Using Online Learning Packages Via Smartphone Applications
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The objectives of this research were 1) to develop the online learning packages
via smartphone applications to adjust the basic technical attributes for new students with Bachelor of Science in Technical Education and 2) to study the efficiency of co-curricular activities using online learning packages via smartphone applications to adjust the basic technical attributes for new students with Bachelor of Science in Technical Education.
The sample consisted of 30 first year students with Bachelor of Science in Technical Education (4 year), program in Electrical Education, Faculty of Industrial Education and Technology, Rajamangala University of Technology Srivijaya, who were registered in the first semester of academic year 2021 chosen by purposive sampling. The research tools used in this study were 1) quality assessment form of online learning packages via smartphone applications for the specialists and 2) exercises during class time and post-test.
The result indicated that 1) co-curricular activities to adjust the basic technical attributes for new students using online learning packages via smartphone applications
had the highest level of content quality and high level of technique quality and
2) the efficiency of co-curricular activities using online learning packages via smartphone applications to adjust the basic technical attributes for new students with Bachelor of Science in Technical Education was 84.33/85.15.
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