Development of a Competency Framework for the supervisor in The Government Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Industry towards The Competitiveness in Industry 4.0
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The study’s purposes were to study the key components for development of a competency framework for the supervisor in the government pharmaceutical manufacturing industry towards the competitiveness in industry 4.0 and 2) create a development of a competency framework for the supervisor in the government pharmaceutical manufacturing industry towards the competitiveness in industry 4.0 The study was done as a mixed-method study. For a qualitative part, a semi-structured in-depth interview was used for data collection. There were nine participants for the interview: deputy managing director, department director, and human resources development experts. The interview’s results were analyzed by using content analysis. For a quantitative part, its research tool was a questionnaire with a 5 point Likert scale based on the results from the semi-structured in-depth interview. The questionnaire was divided into three sections: 1) general information; 2) the key components for a development of a competency framework for the supervisor in the government pharmaceutical manufacturing industry towards the competitiveness in industry 4.0; and 3) suggestions by open-ended questions. The questionnaires were distributed to 195 head of section in the government pharmaceutical manufacturing industry. These managers were selected by using simple random sampling. The questionnaire’s results were analyzed for finding Frequency, Percentage, Mean and Exploratory factor analysis was also used.
The results were used to create a development of a competency framework for the supervisor in the government pharmaceutical manufacturing industry towards the competitiveness in industry 4.0. key components for development of a competency framework for the supervisor in the government pharmaceutical manufacturing industry towards the competitiveness in industry 4.0 were: 1) fundamental manufacturing practice; 2) strategic visioning; 3) industry 4.0; 4) analytical and systematic thinking; 5) drives results; 6) makes sound decision; 7) competency assessment; 8) fosters innovation; 9) driving breakthrough results; 10) employee retention; 11) core value; 12) fostering agility; and 13) organizational loyalty
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