A Change Leadership for Aviation in the Disruptive Technology for Ground Instructors at Civil Aviation Training Center

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Warantri Plangwattana
Kritchamon Meelang
Jamras Laosattaya
Pimprapa Amornkitpinyo


The study entitled a change leadership for aviation in the disruptive technology for ground instructors at Civil Aviation Training Center. The objective of this study is to examine the component of a change leadership for aviation in the disruptive technology. This research is divided into two stages. First stage is Delphi Technique and samplings of this research are panel of 19 experts who are expertise or related filed and using a purposive random sampling method. And the second stage is confirmatory factor analysis which panel of 114 ground instructors and samplings of this research are 110 people using proportional allocation stratified random sampling and simple random sampling. The finding of the study is divided into two stages. The First stage for Delphi technique is found that the median of every questions value more than or equal to 3.50. The difference of absolute value between median and mode value less or equal to 1.50 which is shown that the expertise towards questions are consistent. The second stage for Confirmatory Factor Analysis is found that measurement model of a change leadership for aviation in the disruptive technology for ground instructors at Civil Aviation Training Center are consistent with empirical research by considering from Chi-square that difference from zero with no statistical significance. (Chi-square = 11.011; df = 8, p =.201). When considering the factor loading of variables found that all the factor loading is positive value ranging from .430 to .539 by factor loading has statistical significance at all 0.5 levels. The factor loading of each observed variable has similar value which is shown that these variables have significant to a leadership; (LED) is closed to.

The findings reveal that the construct validity of a change leadership for aviation in the disruptive technology for ground instructors at Civil Aviation Training Center concluded that latent variable a change leadership for aviation in the disruptive technology for ground instructors at Civil Aviation Training Center can be measured by observed variable that is variable of a change leadership for aviation in the disruptive technology for ground instructors at Civil Aviation Training Center has construct validity.

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How to Cite
Plangwattana, W. ., Meelang, K. ., Laosattaya, J. ., & Amornkitpinyo, P. . (2022). A Change Leadership for Aviation in the Disruptive Technology for Ground Instructors at Civil Aviation Training Center. Journal Of Technical Education Development, 34(123), 59. retrieved from https://so09.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jted/article/view/47
Research Article
Author Biographies

Warantri Plangwattana

Ground Instructor/Aviation Management Division/Civil Aviation Training Center

Kritchamon Meelang

Assistant Professor Doctor of Philosophy Program in Educational Administration and Leadership Saint John's Univer

Jamras Laosattaya

Assistant Professor Doctor of Philosophy Program in Educational Administration and Leadership Saint John's University

Pimprapa Amornkitpinyo

Assistant Professor Doctor of Philosophy Program in Educational Administration and Leadership Saint John's University


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