The Construction Of Four-Tier Diagnostic Test For Detecting Physics Misconceptions In Work And Energy For The Tenth Grade Students In School Under The Secondary Education Service Area Office 18
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This research aimed to 1) construct the four-tier diagnostic test for detecting the physics Misconceptions on work and energy of motion for the grade students, 2) to validate the difficulty, the discrimination, the validity and the reliability of the test, 3) detecting physics misconceptions, and 4) to create the teacher manual of the test. The sample of the research was selected by stratified random sampling technique. The sample consisted of 701 students who studied in and grade of schools under Chon Buri–Rayong Secondary Educational Service Area Office. The research instrument was a 20-item of four–tier diagnostic test for detecting the physics misconceptions in work and energy.The research findings revealed that diagnostic test met the requirements of content validity with IOC indices which ranged between 0.80 and 1.00. The construct validity was between 0.72 and 0.95. The difficulty of all items ranged between 0.38 and 0.44. The discrimination index was calculated by Whitney and Sabers which ranged between 0.50 and 0.63. The reliability of the test according to Livingston Method ranged from 0.91 to 0.97. The cutting score calculated by Angoff Methed was 13 points from 20 points. The diagnostic test results showed that all most of the students had correct conception in power, did not understand the concept in meaning of kinetic energy, misconceived in power transform of the law of conservation and error in the meaning of conservation forces.
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