Development of Meat Analogue Products Fortified from Beans with Lotus Root
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The objectives of this research are to 1) to study the basic formula of bean artificial meat, 2) to study the appropriate amount of lotus root supplementation in bean artificial meat, 3) to study the nutritional value of the bean-enrich artificial meat and the bean-base artificial meat, and 4) to study consumer acceptance towards recipes using artificial meat from lotus root fortified beans. The sample consist of 5 experts and 30 consumers.
Results were as follows: 1) a study on the basic formula of bean-based imitation meat found that when all three basic bean-based formulas were testing for sensory perception, it was found that the 5 experts gave different preferences to the three basic bean-based imitation meats statistically significant at a .05 level, with the experts rated Formula 2 the most, which contains 50 grams of soybeans, 60 grams of green peas, 40 grams of white beans, 10 grams of shiitake mushrooms, and 5 grams of beetroot due to its aroma and flavor better than Formula 1 and Formula 3, therefore, Formula 2 was selected for further testing. 2) The study of the appropriate amount of lotus root supplementation in bean-based artificial meat was studied and lotus root was supplemented at a ratio of 5, 10, 15 and 20. Acceptance test was performed by 30 sensory test subjects. Lotus root supplementation at a ratio of 10: 100 was most accepted. 3) To study the nutritional value of artificial meat from lotus root fortified beans and artificial meat from beans from basic formula. It was found that the fiber content of both formulations of artificial meat products from beans after using the program INMUCAL - Nutrients 4.0 was calculated. Dietary fiber and protein in the development formula. There was more quantity than the basic formula. 4) The study of consumer acceptance towards recipes that used artificial meat from beans fortified with lotus root, found that most consumers liked 2 aspects as follows: shape and color. In terms of taste, smell, texture, and overall liking, the scores were moderate and 93.33% accepted the artificial meat products from lotus root fortified beans and to find the acceptance of experts on the used of artificial meat from beans fortified with lotus root for cooking by the method of cooking suitable for artificial meat from beans fortified with lotus root by using 4 cooking methods, namely boiling was the boiled soup menu, stir frying is the stir-fried salt and chili menu, the curry was the green curry menu and the frying was the salt-fried menu. Frying was the most accepted with a statistically significant difference of .05
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