A Study of Factor Affecting Administration Perception and Operations Related to Academic Services of Support Staffs at King Mongkut's University of Technology North Bangkok
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The purpose of this research was made To study the level of management perception and the level of performance in relation to academic service work of support personnel in King Mongkut's University of Technology North Bangkok. In addition, the main factors affecting by collecting information, documents, conducting demographic groups. Design and build questionnaire tools data collection and use the statistical analysis data. By the program to calculate various statistical values. The mean difference was analyzed by Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) at a statistical confidence level of 95 percent (p-value < 0.05). By collecting data from a population of 122 cases, it was found that the overall level of perception of management about academic service work. There was a moderate level of perception and the overall level of performance in academic service work. There were practice at the preliminary level and the results of the analysis of factors affecting the level of management perception about academic service work. There are 3 factors which are position, affiliated agency, and level of education. As for the factors affecting the level of performance in academic service work, there is one factor, which is position. higher than the computer scholar position. But the two positions are not different from the other positions. Personnel in the Industrial Technology Development Agency (ITDI) have a level of awareness. higher than the Office of Technical Education Development (ITED) and the Thai-German Cooperative Education and Electronic Media Development Institute (TGDE). Not different from other agencies In terms of education, it was found that personnel with doctoral studies had a high level of awareness. For master's degree, bachelor's degree and below bachelor's degree There is a level of recognition moderate However, there was no difference. In terms of the level of performance, it was found that there was no difference when classified by position.
From the results of this research, to achieve efficiency in academic service operations. Should provide training from experienced people or experts. And in the work section, there must be an explanation of the operating guidelines to the personnel performing various duties and the potential to support the academic service work of the support personnel in King Mongkut's University of Technology North Bangkok in the future.
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