Guidelines for Developing the Potential of Industrial Technicians by using Virtual Reality (VR) Technology to Integrate with Teaching and Learning in the Digital Era
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This research aims to explore the problems and challenges in potential development of industrial instructors concerning the incorporation of virtual reality (VR) technology into the existing digital teaching and training realm. We would examine industrial instructor needs related to such issue with the aim of suggesting guidance on professional growth by integrating VR technology into online education in the digital era. The study sample comprised 206 industrial instructors in higher education institutions supervised by Office of the Vocational Education Commission, including Thai-German Pre-Engineering School KMUTNB and Institute of Vocational Education Central Region 4. Data collection instruments included a questionnaire and interviews whereas statistical methods for data analysis were percentage, frequency, mean, standard deviation and One-way ANOVA.
The results found that the overall need for industrial teacher potential development with regard to integration of virtual reality in the e-learning environment was at a high level. The dimension of potential development needs could be arranged in descending order as Desirable Attributes, Knowledge, and Skills. Subcomponents of Knowledge covered VR game development with Unity, Unity C# scripting, along with key concepts and design strategies for VR. Subcomponents of Skills required were C# scripting in Unity, building virtual reality with Unity and SteamVR, alongside mobile VR App. development with Unity. Subelements of Attributes required encompassed creative thinking, positive demeanor and disciplinary skills. No differences for potential development requirements respecting e-Learning and VR integration were revealed in each and every aspect among industrial instructors with demographic differences across genders, ages, educational levels and years of professional experience.
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