The management of active learningusing media and learning resources in the 21st century

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Boonyalak Tumnanchit


       The active learning management by using media and learning resources in the 21st century is the design of the teaching and learning process to build students' ability to solve problems. Creating problem-solving skills in learners requires active learning, which is an approach that includes a variety of teaching and learning activities. The concept is based on constructivist theory. Which emphasizes the learner to be the center of learning, creating knowledge by oneself learn by doing Know how to think and solve problems on their own and create interactions together in class. Teachers must give learners the opportunity to participate in teaching and learning activities. to encourage and give advice Encourage students to be awake interested in lesson content and learning all the time Emphasis is placed on laying the foundation for the development of a complete human being capable of solving problems. Because problem-solving abilities are one of the essential skills of 21st-century learners and one of the indicators of PISA Assessment, The Organization for International Assessment of Learning Assessment. Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) has made problem-solving skills one of the learning outcomes.

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How to Cite
Tumnanchit, B. (2024). The management of active learningusing media and learning resources in the 21st century. Journal Of Technical Education Development, 36(129), 3–11. retrieved from
Author Biography

Boonyalak Tumnanchit, Suan Dusit University

Assistant professor in Library science and Information Science, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences,

Suan Dusit University


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