Factors Related to the Canteen Food Handlers' Practices According to Food Handling Standard Sanitation, Ministry of Public Health, Nonthaburi Province During 2019 Coronavirus Outbreak
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The objectives of this research are to 1) a study of personal factors, leading factors, facilitating factors, and complementary factors of food handlers in Ministry of Public Health canteen Nonthaburi Province in the epidemic situation of coronavirus disease 2019, 2) study the work practices according to food sanitation standards of food handlers in canteens Ministry of Health Nonthaburi Province, 3) study the factors relate to the performance according to food sanitation standards for food handlers in canteens Ministry of Health , and 4) to propose solutions to problems operating in accordance with food sanitation standards of food handlers in the canteen Ministry of Health Nonthaburi Province in the situation of the coronavirus disease 2019 epidemic.By using questionnaires and interviews as research instrument. The sample use in research is restaurant operator 100 people in the Ministry of Public Health, Nonthaburi Province, 1 food sanitation scholar, 2 food handlers in the Ministry of Public Health canteen, and 2 people who use canteens in the Ministry of Public Health. The statistics use in the data analysis are as follows: frequency, percentage, mean, Chi-Squared and Pearson Correlation.
Results were as follows: 1) the personal factors of food handlers were mostly female, aged 41-50 years, graduating from high school. The average monthly income was between 10,000 - 20,000 baht, most of them are Buddhists and serving mainly rice and curry restaurants. 2) Operation in accordance with food sanitation principles of food handlers in the situation of the coronavirus disease 2019 epidemic, it was found that most food handlers performed sanitation practices at a very good level. 3) Factors related to food handlers' work practices according to food sanitation standards in the epidemic situation of coronavirus disease 2019, it was found that personal factors Classified by restaurant type and contributing factors classified by the provision of training for food handlers. There was a relationship between the leading factor and the auxiliary factor and not relationship statistically significant at the .05 level. 4) Propose solutions to problems operating in accordance with food sanitation standards of food handlers in the canteen Ministry of Health Nonthaburi Province in the epidemic situation of the coronavirus disease 2019. It was found that a sanitation workshop was organizing. Performance assessment and personal hygiene Public relations to increase communication channels. And additional measures for service users and cleanliness and protection and cleaning equipment support.
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