The Opinion of Student’s Characteristics About Information Design for Creating Digital Media
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The objective of this research was to study the opinions of student’s characteristics about information design for creating digital media. There are 268 sampling from four groups as follows: 1) entrepreneurs/employer, 2) alumnui (communication arts, Thai language, and library and information sciences), 3) interested student in information science, and 4) interested people in self-improvement about information design. Research tool was a questionnaire. The statistics for of this research were the percentage, mean, and standard deviation.
The research found that the total level of opinion about student’s characteristics of information design for creating digital media was at high level. There were three highest score as follows: 1) accountability, honesty, enthusiasm, interest in information and technology were highest average, 2) the ability to coordinate with various departments, problem solving and teamwork, 3) and able to create of innovative information and digital media by useing language and communication in appropriate situation.
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