Importance of Non-aeronautical Revenue for Airport
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In the early days, airport operators focused on the airport as merely a takeoff and landing place, with most airport users choosing the nearest and most convenient airport. But nowadays, airports around the world are very competitive besides just a place to park aircraft. This is why airport operators around the world have to develop or transform their own airports in order to attract and meet the needs of passengers, airlines and other airport's users.
The objective of this academic article is to study the importance of non-aeronautical income at the airport, where income in this segment can be increased according to demand, depending on the individual airport development plan. Many airports try to adapt and earn as much extra income or investment as possible. Additional infrastructure is being built to meet the needs of as many people as possible. New technologies are being introduced in airport services to improve the convenience of airport users. At present, the airport has a wide variety of businesses. As a result of the above reasons, the airport has increased income. The introduction of new innovations has made the competition in the airport business more competitive.
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