The instruction with online lessons combined with cooperative learning by using learning through digital storytelling.

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Boonyalak Tumnanchit


The learning and teaching through online lessons combined with cooperative learning using learning through storytelling with digital media. It is the design of the teaching and learning process to create the ability to work as a team for students. The collaborative learning techniques will enable students to have good human relations through collaborative learning using electronic devices to access Thailand 4.0 learning media and innovations in order to take advantage of online social knowledge resources and building networks. A network of collaborative learning reform is therefore implemented by both the learners and the teaching methods. Learning environment and management is important especially the profession of librarians and IT professionals are professionals that need qualified personnel who are constantly pursuing knowledge. In order to be informed of current events have a good relationship able to work as a team using information technology to integrate knowledge and organizing information resources in the office of academic resources or library.

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How to Cite
Tumnanchit, B. . (2022). The instruction with online lessons combined with cooperative learning by using learning through digital storytelling. Journal Of Technical Education Development, 34(123), 3. retrieved from
Author Biography

Boonyalak Tumnanchit

assistant professor of the Library and Information Science course Suan Dusit University


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