Investigation of Problems Regarding Safety Management and Instruction of Engineering Workshop and Laboratory Practices of Public Higher Education Institutions
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The research aims and objectives are 1) to study the problems regarding safety management of students in respect of workshop and laboratory practices in public higher education institutions; 2) to explore the problems of laboratory-based and workshop-based practicum instruction; and 3)to apply the information obtained as development guidelines to improve workshop and laboratory efficiency. The Delphi technique was used to achieve consensus from 20 expert participants. Research instruments included interview forms and questionnaires while statistical measures for data analysis involved frequency distribution, percentage, median and interquartile range calculation.
To categorize the issues, the problems related to managing safety and teaching engineering workshop and laboratory courses were found to consist of 7 main components and 31 subcomponents as follows: 1) Workshop and Engineering Laboratory Design, with 3 subcomponents; 2) Machine Shop Safety, Electrical Safety and Fire Safety, with 10 subcomponents; 3) Internal Environment for Workshop and Laboratory Practices, with 5 subcomponents; 4) Facilities and Equipment for Laboratory and Workshop Practices, comprising 2 subcomponents; 5) Operations Facility Management and Green Occupations, with 3 subcomponents; 6) Roles and Responsibilities for Operational Safety, containing 4 subcomponents; and 7) Curriculum Development and Learning Management, with its 6 subcomponents.
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