Digital Content Platform For Education In The Next Normal
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The objective of this research is 1) To analyze the general characteristics of digital content platform users. 2) To analyze usage conditions and the level of demand for digital content platforms in the education sector. And 3) To compare with the differences between current usage levels and the future usage levels of digital content platforms for education in the next normal. The research steps are as follows: collecting secondary data, Preparing questionnaires, assess IOC and submit questionnaires to sample groups by online channels. There were 638 samples be processed by a program and reported as a percentage, mean, standard deviation statistic. The mean was analyzed by T-Test method at a statistical confidence level of 95 percentage.
The results of the analysis were mostly students. Were studying for a bachelor's degree In public education institutions, age of 18-24 years and the period of using the digital content platform in 1-2 years. The device were used for mobile phones and computers at the most level. It was found that at present, the level of platform usage is at a high level. The top three are mobile learning, social learning and video learning. The content of the learning media was at a high level. The top three are the infographics, short videos and e-books. In the future, there will be a high level of demand for teaching and learning platforms. The top three are Learning Experience Platform (LXP), immersive learning and Social Learning. In terms of learning media, there is a high level of demand. The top three are infographics, short videos and case studies. Overall, digital content platforms have higher demands in the future.
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