The Development of Multimedia Teaching Materials for Basic Course of Cooking Massaman Curry and Soup for Students of Thai Professional Vocational Certificate Program, MSC Thai Culinary School

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Teerapat Butkrut
Chayapat Kee-ariyo


The purposes of this research were: 1) to determine the effectiveness of multimedia teaching materials in the course of Basic Cooking, Curry and Soup on the topic “Massaman Curry” for Thai Professional Certificate Program Students, MSC Thai Culinary School. 2) to assess suitability and the benefits of multimedia teaching materials in the course of Basic Cooking, Curry and Soup on the topic “Massaman Curry” for Thai Professional Certificate Program Students, MSC Thai Culinary School and 3) to study the students' satisfaction towards multimedia teaching materials in the course of Basic Cooking, Curry and Soup on the topic “Massaman Curry” for Thai Professional Certificate Program Students, MSC Thai Culinary School. The population is 20 students in the Thai Professional Vocational Certificate Program from MSC Thai Culinary School who registered for the Thai Professional Certificate Program at the beginning level. The research tools were multimedia teaching materials, practical test, appropriateness assessment form, the benefits of multimedia and the satisfaction assessment form. The statistics used to analyze the data were mean and standard deviation.

The results showed that 1) the effectiveness of multimedia teaching materials in the course of Basic Cooking, Curry and Soup on the topic “Massaman Curry” for Thai Professional Certificate Program Students, MSC Thai Culinary School. Overall, the efficiency was 80.70/89.75, which was higher than the specified criteria.2) The experts have opinions on the suitability assessment and the benefits of multimedia teaching materials in the course of Basic Cooking, Curry and Soup on the topic “Massaman Curry” for Thai Professional Certificate Program Students ,MSC Thai Culinary School Overall, it was at the highest level, and 3) students were satisfied with multimedia teaching materials in the course of Basic Cooking, Curry and Soup on the topic “Massaman Curry” for Thai Professional Certificate Program Students, MSC Thai Culinary School. Overall, it was at the highest level.

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How to Cite
Butkrut, T. . ., & Kee-ariyo, C. . . (2023). The Development of Multimedia Teaching Materials for Basic Course of Cooking Massaman Curry and Soup for Students of Thai Professional Vocational Certificate Program, MSC Thai Culinary School. Journal Of Technical Education Development, 35(127), 39. retrieved from
Research Article
Author Biographies

Teerapat Butkrut, Faculty of Home Economics Technology, Rajamangala University of Technology Phra Nakorn.

Graduate Student, Bachelor of Home Economics Program in Home Economics, Graduate Student, Bachelor of Home Economics Program in Home Economics, Faculty of Home Economics Technology, Rajamangala University of Technology Phra Nakorn.

Chayapat Kee-ariyo, Faculty of Home Economics Technology, Rajamangala University of Technology Phra Nakorn

Lecturer, Bachelor of Home Economics Program in Home Economics, Faculty of Home Economics Technology, Rajamangala University of Technology Phra Nakorn. 


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