A Potential Development Model for Production Managers in Charge of Food Processing Industry for Competition in the Digital Age
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The objectives of this research were 1) to investigate key components of a potential development model for production managers in charge of the food processing sector as to maintain competitive conditions in the digital era; 2) to create a potential development model related to the abovementioned group; and 3) to generate a Competency Development Guide for the target audience. A combination of qualitative and quantitative research methods was used in the study. The data was drawn from 3 categories of informants comprising a group of 9 experts serving as in-depth interview participants, the questionnaire respondents encompassing 330 production managers in charge of large and medium-sized food processing enterprises, along with 15 expert informants who conducted a group discussion forum. Research instruments contained an in-depth interview guide, a questionnaire, a pattern assessment and a manual evaluation checklist. Content analysis was used to analyze the qualitative data whereas statistical methods for quantitative interpretation covered the frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation and exploratory factor analysis.
As results, the investigated competency model was composed of 3 main components with 3 associated sub-elements each, or 9 sub-elements in total. Disclosed components constitute 1) Knowledge, of which the subcomponents involve competencies in food safety and related laws, in production and operations management, along with in organizational human resource management; 2) Skills, where subcomponents embrace sought-after competencies in production planning and control, in digital problem solving, and in human resource management; 3) desirable personal attributes showcasing Leadership, Emotional Intelligence and Job Responsibilities. Evaluation outcomes of the development model and guidelines for improving managerial potential exposed unanimous approvals from the expert panel conducting a focus group discussion. Concisely, the criteria to ensure appropriateness and overall assessment of the model and the handbook with respect to its completeness, clarity and applicability were endorsed by the expert panel.
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