Developing Online Media For Knowledge On Educational Loan Fund Payments
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This research is a quasi-experimental research. According to the research plan, pre-examination form, the samples were the borrowers that were Student Loans Fund of 30 persons, who were a 1st - 4th year students at Nakhon Pathom Rajabhat University. The research tools were 1) online media for knowledge on educational loan fund payments, 2) a test form to measure online media for knowledge on educational loan fund payments, 3) student satisfaction questionnaire towards online media for knowledge on educational loan fund payments.
The results of the research found that 1) online media for knowledge on educational loan fund payments had an efficiency of 82.33/84.25 according to the specified criteria, 2) the comparison of knowledge before and after learning with the online media for knowledge on educational loan fund payments was statistically significant difference at the .05 level on average. After studying with the online media for knowledge on educational loan fund payments the students had average post-test score higher than of pre-test. In addition, the students' opinions on the online media for knowledge on educational loan fund payments, overall at the most agreeing level.
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