Inquiry Cycle Learning (5E) with Concept Mapping on Gene and Chromosome to Learning Achievement, Science Concepts and Attitude Toward Science for Mattayomsuksa 6 Students.
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The purposes of this research were to study learning achievement, science concepts
and attitude toward science of Mattayomsuksa 6 students using the inquiry cycle learning (5E) with concept mapping. The target group of this research was 29 Mattayomsuksa 6 students who studied in a regular scientific course at Piboonpumpen Demonstration School, Burapha University, Chonburi Province, who studied in the first semester of the 2018 academic year. The instruments of the research were 1) lesson plans using the Inquiry Cycle learning (5E) with concept mapping, 2) learning achievement tests, 3) science concept tests, 4) attitude toward science questionnaire, and 5) ended cycle tests. The data were analyzed by mean, standard deviation, and development scores.
The research findings were as follows: 1) The learning achievement scores were at a high level; the development score was 58.59% after using the inquiry cycle learning (5E) with concept mapping. 2) The science concepts scores were at a high level; the development score was 53.19% after using the inquiry cycle learning (5E) with concept mapping. 3) The attitude toward science scores were at a high level; the development score was 61.99% after using the inquiry cycle learning (5E) with concept mapping.
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