The Development of Potential Models of Managers of Production Management in the Electricity Generating Industry

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Sayan Pansang
Suchart Siengchen
Teerawat Boonyasopon
Somnoek Wisuttipaet


The research subject about Development for Competency Model of Plant Manager in the power generation industry have a purpose for (1) to study the competency components of plant manager of production management, (2) to create the development for competency model of the plant manager pf the production management in the power generation industry, (3) to prepare a guidebook for the development for competency model of the plant manager of the production management in the power generation industry. This research model uses The Delphi technique by using a group of 21 experts. This research tools It consists of an interview and a questionnaire. The statistics used include the frequency, percentage, median, and interquartile range (IQR).

            The result found that the competency model of manager of production management in the power generation industry consists of 3 core competencies, 25 sub-competencies as follow: 1) Core competency in knowledge, with 7 sub-competencies: 1.1) New knowledge, 1.2) Understanding the power transmission system, 1.3) Safety management and environment, 1.4) Financial and accounting, 1.5) Processes of electricity generation, 1.6) Risk management and 1.7) Legal and regulation. 2) Core competency in skill, with 11 sub-competencies: 2.1) Risk management, 2.2) Maintenance by technology, 2.3) Knowledge transfer, 2.4) Technical curriculum development, 2.5) Financial and accounting, 2.6) Accreditation, 2.7) Modern technology improvements, 2.8) Strategic problem solving planning, 2.9) Compliance standards, 2.10) Educational visiting and 2.11) Solve specific risk issues and 3) Core competencies in desirable characteristics, with 7 sub-competencies: 3.1) Leadership, 3.2) Good personal management, 3.3) Honesty, 3.4) Good governance, 3.5) Listening attitude opinion, 3.6) Career building and coexistence community and 3.7) Teamwork. For the results of the assessment of the competency model of manager of production management in the power generation industry and development for competency guidebook of manager of production management in the power generation industry by 13 qualified persons, it was found that the opinions on the models and the developed guidebook are appropriate and consistent at the highest level 100 percent.

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How to Cite
Pansang, S. ., Siengchen, S. ., Boonyasopon , T. ., & Wisuttipaet, S. . (2023). The Development of Potential Models of Managers of Production Management in the Electricity Generating Industry. Journal Of Technical Education Development, 35(126), 78. retrieved from
Research Article
Author Biographies

Sayan Pansang, Faculty of Business and Industry Development King Mongkut’s University of Technology North Bangkok

Doctoral student of Business Administration Department of Industrial Business and Human Resource Development Faculty of Business and Industry Development King Mongkut’s University of Technology North Bangkok

Suchart Siengchen, ศาสตราจารย์ ดร.ประจำหลักสูตร สาขาวิชาการพัฒนาธุรกิจอุตสาหกรรมและทรัพยากรมนุษย์ คณะพัฒนาธุรกิจและอุตสาหกรรม มหาวิทยาลัยเทคโนโลยีพระจอมเกล้าพระนครเหนือ

Professor Lecturer of Department of Industrial Business and Human Resource Development
Faculty of Business and Industry Development King Mongkut’s University of Technology North Bangkok.

Teerawat Boonyasopon , aculty of Business and Industry Development King Mongkut’s University of Technology North Bangkok

Associate Professor of Department of Industrial Business and Human Resource Development
Faculty of Business and Industry Development King Mongkut’s University of Technology North Bangkok

Somnoek Wisuttipaet, Faculty of Business and Industry Development King Mongkut’s University of Technology North Bangkok.

Associate Professor of Department of Industrial Business and Human Resource Development.
Faculty of Business and Industry Development King Mongkut’s University of Technology North Bangkok.


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