The Development of Integrated Science Process Skills Test in Research and Knowledge Formation the Lower Secondary Students
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The purpose of this research is to: 1) to create an integrated science process skill test, in Research and Knowledge Formation for lower secondary students. 2) to examine the quality of the integrated science process skill test scale and 3) to find a cut-off score and create a manual for using the integrated science process skill measurement in research and knowledge formation for lower secondary students. The sample group in this research was 950 lower secondary students in the world-class International standard school under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office 17 in 2nd semester, academic year 2018, selected by simple random sampling technique. The instrument used in the research was the multiple choice with 4 options for 40 items. The results of this research were as follow: the content validity of integrated science process skill measurement test was at a good quality whit the Index of Item-Objective Congruence (IOC) was at .67-1.00, the item difficulty was between .30-.80, the item discrimination was between .20-.67, the reliability of the test was at .93. The concurrent validity by Pearson’s correlation coefficient was .88 and structural straightness found that the model of integrated science process skills measurement test in research and knowledge creation agreed with empirical data. The Chi-square 1067.39, (p = .00), RMSEA = .033, GFI = .91, AGFI = .90, CFI = .99 and RMR = .009. The cut-off score of the integrated science process skill test scale in research and knowledge formation for lower secondary students, based on Angkoff's method of scoring cut points was at 23 points out of 40 full points.
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