Outcome-based Supervision Model for Improving Teaching Process in Private Bilingual Kindergarten Schools
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Objectives of this study were to 1) develop an outcome-based supervision model for private bilingual kindergarten schools 2) evaluate the implementation of outcome-based supervision model for private bilingual kindergarten schools. Qualitative study was divided by 3 steps 1) Synthesis the supervision model from literature review using content analysis 2) Appropriateness of the model by experts using focus group method and 3) Implementation and evaluation the developed model using supervision form and implementation form. We performed trial of the supervision model in selective sampling of private bilingual school, Palina Tiwanon Kindergarten in Nonthaburi Province.
The results of this study were as follows: 1. Outcome-based supervision model which had 7 steps 1) Create mutual understanding between supervisors and teachers 2) Defining expected output 3) Planning supervision 4) Performing supervision 5) Activity assessment 6) Sharing results 7) Outcome. Expected output defined as teachers are capable of using suitable teaching materials and instructional methods to young children. 2. Teachers rated that the model could be appropriately used.
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